Midlands State University Library

Africanism in continentalism

Africanism in continentalism mobilizing global Africans, for the renaissance and unity compiled by Kwesi Kwaa Prah - Cape Town Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society (CASAS) 2014 - 123 pages - no.110 . - CASAS book series .

'Selected documents of the 8th Pan-African Congress, University of Witwatersrand campus 14th-16th January 2014'

Includes index.

1 - Letter to Dr. Yvonne King and Gen. Ishola Williams 9.8.2009, 2 - Letter from Prof. Dani Wadada Nabudere. 14.8.2009, 3 - Letter to Yvonne King, 14.09.2009, 4 - Brief for participants of the 8th PAC, First Preparatory Meeting, 5 - Minutes of the First Preparatory Meeting, towards the 8th PAC, 6 - Consolidating the African nation;7 - Minutes of the Second Preparatory Committee Meeting, towards the 8th PAC, 8 - Concept note ( 8th PAC) 12.10.2012, 9 - Africanism or Continentalism, 10 - A farewell to Continentalism, 11 - The African cause is no course.

This collection of selected documents outlines the history of the 8th PAC held in Johannesburg( 14th - 16th January, 2014). The materials that have been put together within these covers include; Minutes of the First and Second Preparatory Meetings; a concept note; a conceptual reflection on the Congress; Africanism or Continentalism - written as a riposte to the rival Continentalist project; 8th PAC explanatory letters to Dr. Yvonne King and Gen. Ishola Williams; A letter from Prof. Dani Wadada Nabudere and appendices including the Congress Programme, recommendations of the 8th PAC, a Statement of accounts and a list of participants.


Pan African Congress--History--Sources
Pan-Africanism--History--Sources--21st Century
Pan-Africanism--Congresses--History--Sources--21st Century
African cooperation--History--Sources--21st Century