Midlands State University Library

Clerk & Lindsell on torts

Clerk & Lindsell on torts edited by Anthony M. Dugdale and Michael A. Jones - 19th - London Sweet & Maxwell 2006 - 2144 pages Supplement - 3 .

Includes index

Chapter 1 Principles of liability in tort, 2 - Causation in tort: general principles, 3 - General defences, 4 - Joint liability and contribution, 5 - Capacity and parties, 6 - Vicarious liability, 7 - Foreign torts, 8 - Negligence, 9 - Breach of statutory duty, 10 - Professional liability, 11 - Product liability and consumer protection, 12 - Occupiers' liability and defective premises, 13 - Employer's liability, 14 - Public service liability, 15 - Trespass to the person,16 - Malicious prosecution, 17 - Wrongful interference with goods, 18 - Deceit, 19 - Trespass to land and dispossession, 20 - Nuisance, 21 - Rylands v Fletcher liability, 22 - Animals, 23 - Defamation, 24 - Malicious falsehood, 25 - Economic torts, 26 - Statutory intellectual property rights, 27 - Passing off, 28 - Breach of confidence, 29 - Damages, 30 - Injunctions, 31 - Self-help, 32 - Discharge of torts, 33- Limitation Fourth supplement to the nineteenth edition.


Torts --England.
Torts --Wales.