Archbold criminal pleading, evidence and practice
Archbold criminal pleading, evidence and practice
edited by P.J. Richardson
- London Sweet & Maxwell 2015
- v.(various pagination) Supplement
First supplement to the 2015 edition; up-to-date to October 17, 2014
" Archbold is the most regularly cited publication in the criminal courts today, and an indispensable companion for all those involved in the administration of criminal law. It provides the reader with all the material needed when preparing for a case, and during a trial, including both substantive law and practice and procedure of the courts. Comprehensive coverage includes an analysis of all relevant topics from Human Rights to Appeals to the law of Evidence. Annual publication with regular updating in the form of three cumulative supplements."--Westlaw UK Help - About Commentary.
9780414035928 (Main work) 9780414035935 (First supplement)
Criminal procedure--England
Criminal procedure--Wales
Evidence, Criminal--Great Britain
Pleading (Criminal procedure)--Great Britain
First supplement to the 2015 edition; up-to-date to October 17, 2014
" Archbold is the most regularly cited publication in the criminal courts today, and an indispensable companion for all those involved in the administration of criminal law. It provides the reader with all the material needed when preparing for a case, and during a trial, including both substantive law and practice and procedure of the courts. Comprehensive coverage includes an analysis of all relevant topics from Human Rights to Appeals to the law of Evidence. Annual publication with regular updating in the form of three cumulative supplements."--Westlaw UK Help - About Commentary.
9780414035928 (Main work) 9780414035935 (First supplement)
Criminal procedure--England
Criminal procedure--Wales
Evidence, Criminal--Great Britain
Pleading (Criminal procedure)--Great Britain