Midlands State University Library

Cost and funding following the civil justice reforms :

Cost and funding following the civil justice reforms : questions & answers / edited by Peter Hurst, Simon Middleton and Roger Mallalieu. - 3rd - London Thomson Reuters 2017 - 389 pages

Chapter 1 - Introduction; Chapter 2 - Funding litigation; Chapter 3 - Proportionality; Chapter 4 - Case and costs management; Chapter 5 - Part 36 and other settlement offers including ADR and costs consequences, Chapter 6 - Qualified one-way costs shifting, Chapter 7 - Fixed costs; indemnity costs; litigants in person; Chapter 8 - Assessments of costs and payment on account of costs; Chapter 9 - The effect of the Jackson civil justice reforms on solicitor-client costs.

This short and practical book, produced in conjunction with Practical Law, tackles common practitioner questions on the effects of the 2013 Jackson reforms on costs and funding. The book sets out to answer questions posed on topics ranging from funding of litigation, case and costs management and proportionality to settlement offers, QOCS and summary assessment.

9780414062627 0414062620

Costs (Law)--Miscellanea--Great Britain
Civil procedure--Miscellanea--Great Britain
Civil procedure
Costs (Law)