An assessment of Unki mines compliance with Government Policies towards benefication of the Zimbabwean Indegenous people:
Mango, Sharleen Simbiso
An assessment of Unki mines compliance with Government Policies towards benefication of the Zimbabwean Indegenous people: The case of the Indegenisation and Zimasset Policies/by Sharleen Simbiso Mango - Gweru: Midlands State University, 2017 - 85 leaves illustrations
Bachelor of Science Honours in Politics and Public Management
Includes bibliography
Platinim mines and mining--Environmental aspects
Mines and mineral resources
Community development
Common intrest ownweship communities
An assessment of Unki mines compliance with Government Policies towards benefication of the Zimbabwean Indegenous people: The case of the Indegenisation and Zimasset Policies/by Sharleen Simbiso Mango - Gweru: Midlands State University, 2017 - 85 leaves illustrations
Bachelor of Science Honours in Politics and Public Management
Includes bibliography
Platinim mines and mining--Environmental aspects
Mines and mineral resources
Community development
Common intrest ownweship communities