A critical companion to early childhood
A critical companion to early childhood
edited by Michael Reed and Rosie Walker
- London Sage 2015
- 327 pages.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents: Part I: Developing Critical Reflection - Michael Reed and Rosie WalkerChapter 1: The Undergraduate Journey - Michael Reed, Linda Tyler and Rosie WalkerChapter 2: Reflective Practice - Karen Hanson and Karen ApplebyChapter 3: The Ethical Practitioner with Children and Families - Sue CallanChapter 4: Critical Thinking - Jennifer Worsley and Catherine LamondChapter 5: ICT and Learning for Students: A New Way of Thinking - Michelle RogersPart II: The Developing Child - Michael Reed and Rosie WalkerChapter 6: Deliberating on Practices with Young Children in the United States - Mary Benson McMullenChapter 7: 'Vygotsky Rocks!' An Argument That Helps Use Lev Vygotsky's Ideas in Early Years Practice - Anna PopovaChapter 8: The Developing Child: Some Critical Perspectives - Jackie MusgraveChapter 9: Play and Creativity: How Important Is This in Terms of the Developing Child? - Frances BrettChapter 10: Repositioning Developmentalism - Anna KilderryPart III: Taking a Holistic View - Michael Reed and Rosie WalkerChapter 11: Security and Attachment - Robin BalbernieChapter 12: Developing Child in Society: Making Transitions - Aline Wendy DunlopChapter 13: Taking a Holistic View: Critically Examining Complex Professional Issues - Claire M RichardsChapter 14: The Language of Special Educational Needs: Learning from the Past to Build the Future - Caroline JonesChapter 15: Supporting Children with Complex Health Needs and Life-Limiting Conditions and Their Families - Erica BrownPart IV: Policy and Practice - Michael Reed and Rosie WalkerChapter 16: Whose Curriculum Is It Anyway? - Derval Carey-JenkinsChapter 17: Approaches to the Early Years Curriculum: A Critical View from Wales - Sian Wyn SiencynChapter 18: Parental Involvement and Partnership with Parents: "T'ain't What You Do (It's the Way That You Do It)" - Martin Needham and Dianne JacksonChapter 19: Supporting Parents - Josephine BleachChapter 20: Policy into Practice: Implementing the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia from a Western Australian Perspective - Sandra HestermanPart V: Professional Roles and Responsibilities - Michael Reed and Rosie WalkerChapter 21: Professional Roles and Responsibilities: Professional Practice and Early Childhood Today - Michael GasperChapter 22: Integrated Working in Practice: Why Don't Professionals Talk to Each Other? - Alison NichollsChapter 23: Children's Developing Identity - Victoria CooperChapter 24: Assessment: A Critical Companion to Early Childhood Pedagogy - Alma FleetChapter 25: The Responsibility of the Practice-Based Researcher - Carla Solvason
In this stimulating and provocative book the editors have drawn together a diverse and international range of respected authors, each of whom has taken a critical approach to the contentious question of how you define and achieve quality early childhood services. It is a book designed to provoke and promote critical dialogue and discourse amongst practitioners and students through critical engagement with the position of the authors within the text. I believe anyone who reads this book will be inspired and motivated to challenge and extend their thinking and professional practice, adopting the critical stance which lies at the heart of quality services for children and families
Early childhood education
Child development
LB1139.23 CRI
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents: Part I: Developing Critical Reflection - Michael Reed and Rosie WalkerChapter 1: The Undergraduate Journey - Michael Reed, Linda Tyler and Rosie WalkerChapter 2: Reflective Practice - Karen Hanson and Karen ApplebyChapter 3: The Ethical Practitioner with Children and Families - Sue CallanChapter 4: Critical Thinking - Jennifer Worsley and Catherine LamondChapter 5: ICT and Learning for Students: A New Way of Thinking - Michelle RogersPart II: The Developing Child - Michael Reed and Rosie WalkerChapter 6: Deliberating on Practices with Young Children in the United States - Mary Benson McMullenChapter 7: 'Vygotsky Rocks!' An Argument That Helps Use Lev Vygotsky's Ideas in Early Years Practice - Anna PopovaChapter 8: The Developing Child: Some Critical Perspectives - Jackie MusgraveChapter 9: Play and Creativity: How Important Is This in Terms of the Developing Child? - Frances BrettChapter 10: Repositioning Developmentalism - Anna KilderryPart III: Taking a Holistic View - Michael Reed and Rosie WalkerChapter 11: Security and Attachment - Robin BalbernieChapter 12: Developing Child in Society: Making Transitions - Aline Wendy DunlopChapter 13: Taking a Holistic View: Critically Examining Complex Professional Issues - Claire M RichardsChapter 14: The Language of Special Educational Needs: Learning from the Past to Build the Future - Caroline JonesChapter 15: Supporting Children with Complex Health Needs and Life-Limiting Conditions and Their Families - Erica BrownPart IV: Policy and Practice - Michael Reed and Rosie WalkerChapter 16: Whose Curriculum Is It Anyway? - Derval Carey-JenkinsChapter 17: Approaches to the Early Years Curriculum: A Critical View from Wales - Sian Wyn SiencynChapter 18: Parental Involvement and Partnership with Parents: "T'ain't What You Do (It's the Way That You Do It)" - Martin Needham and Dianne JacksonChapter 19: Supporting Parents - Josephine BleachChapter 20: Policy into Practice: Implementing the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia from a Western Australian Perspective - Sandra HestermanPart V: Professional Roles and Responsibilities - Michael Reed and Rosie WalkerChapter 21: Professional Roles and Responsibilities: Professional Practice and Early Childhood Today - Michael GasperChapter 22: Integrated Working in Practice: Why Don't Professionals Talk to Each Other? - Alison NichollsChapter 23: Children's Developing Identity - Victoria CooperChapter 24: Assessment: A Critical Companion to Early Childhood Pedagogy - Alma FleetChapter 25: The Responsibility of the Practice-Based Researcher - Carla Solvason
In this stimulating and provocative book the editors have drawn together a diverse and international range of respected authors, each of whom has taken a critical approach to the contentious question of how you define and achieve quality early childhood services. It is a book designed to provoke and promote critical dialogue and discourse amongst practitioners and students through critical engagement with the position of the authors within the text. I believe anyone who reads this book will be inspired and motivated to challenge and extend their thinking and professional practice, adopting the critical stance which lies at the heart of quality services for children and families
Early childhood education
Child development
LB1139.23 CRI