Prenatal diagnosis :
Prenatal diagnosis : the human side
edited by Lenore Abramsky and Jean Chapple
- 2nd
- Cheltenham, U.K. : Nelson Thornes, 2003
- xi, 250 pages illustrations ; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Indhold: Ethical issues in prenatal diagnosis (Susan Bewley) ; Legal issues in prenatal diagnosis in England and Wales (Jonathan Montgomery) ; Legal issues in prenatal diagnosis in the USA (James B. Haddow) ; The human side of screening programmes (Jean Chapple) ; Women's experiences of prenatal screening and diagnosis (Josephine M. Green) ; Counselling around prenatal testing (Lenore Abramsky) ; Prenatal screening and diagnosis in a multicultural, multi-ethnic society (Jane Sandall, Rachel Grellier & Shamoly Ahmed) ; The sonographer's dilemma (Jean Hollingsworth & Elizabeth Daly-Jones) ; Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (Alison Lashwood) ; Problems surrounding late prenatal diagnosis (Sally Boxall & Lucy Turner) ; Dilemmas in selective fetocide and multifetal pregnancy reduction (Elizabeth M. Bryan) ; Difficult decisions in prenatal diagnosis (Christine Garrett & Lyn Margerison) ; Continuing a pregnancy after the diagnosis of an abnormality: parents' experiences (Helen Statham, Wendy Solomou & Josephine M. Green) ; Information and misinformation -- making our decision: 'Craig and Sally' -- one couple's account as told by the father ; The parents' reactions to termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality: from a mother's point of view (Helen Statham) ; The parents' reactions to termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality: from a father's point of view (Ray Hall) ; Looking in from the outside -- reactions to termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality from the viewpoint of those who care (Margaretha van Mourik) ; The human side of carers (Jennifer Wiggins)
Forlagets beskrivelse: Twenty-two healthcare practitioners, lawyers, and social scientists, mostly from the UK, contribute 18 chapters concerning the legal, emotional, and ethical issues of prenatal diagnosis. Three chapters are first-hand accounts from parents who have undergone screening and diagnosis. The second edition reflects new findings since publication of the first edition nine years ago, and includes new chapters on legal issues in the U.S., multicultural considerations, and continuing pregnancy after a diagnosis of fetal abnormality. For practitioners and counselors in obstetric care.
0748765557 9780748765553
Prenatal diagnosis
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Indhold: Ethical issues in prenatal diagnosis (Susan Bewley) ; Legal issues in prenatal diagnosis in England and Wales (Jonathan Montgomery) ; Legal issues in prenatal diagnosis in the USA (James B. Haddow) ; The human side of screening programmes (Jean Chapple) ; Women's experiences of prenatal screening and diagnosis (Josephine M. Green) ; Counselling around prenatal testing (Lenore Abramsky) ; Prenatal screening and diagnosis in a multicultural, multi-ethnic society (Jane Sandall, Rachel Grellier & Shamoly Ahmed) ; The sonographer's dilemma (Jean Hollingsworth & Elizabeth Daly-Jones) ; Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (Alison Lashwood) ; Problems surrounding late prenatal diagnosis (Sally Boxall & Lucy Turner) ; Dilemmas in selective fetocide and multifetal pregnancy reduction (Elizabeth M. Bryan) ; Difficult decisions in prenatal diagnosis (Christine Garrett & Lyn Margerison) ; Continuing a pregnancy after the diagnosis of an abnormality: parents' experiences (Helen Statham, Wendy Solomou & Josephine M. Green) ; Information and misinformation -- making our decision: 'Craig and Sally' -- one couple's account as told by the father ; The parents' reactions to termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality: from a mother's point of view (Helen Statham) ; The parents' reactions to termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality: from a father's point of view (Ray Hall) ; Looking in from the outside -- reactions to termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality from the viewpoint of those who care (Margaretha van Mourik) ; The human side of carers (Jennifer Wiggins)
Forlagets beskrivelse: Twenty-two healthcare practitioners, lawyers, and social scientists, mostly from the UK, contribute 18 chapters concerning the legal, emotional, and ethical issues of prenatal diagnosis. Three chapters are first-hand accounts from parents who have undergone screening and diagnosis. The second edition reflects new findings since publication of the first edition nine years ago, and includes new chapters on legal issues in the U.S., multicultural considerations, and continuing pregnancy after a diagnosis of fetal abnormality. For practitioners and counselors in obstetric care.
0748765557 9780748765553
Prenatal diagnosis