Midlands State University Library

General chemistry

Glinka, N. L.

General chemistry created by N L Glinka; edited by V Rabinovich; translated from the Russian by G Leib - ed. - Moscow : Mir Publishers, 1980. - 372 pages illustrations

Includes index.

Chapter 1 Hydrogen, 2 The halogens, 3 - The main subgroup of group six, 4 - The main subgroup of group five, 6 - The main subgroup of group four, 6 - Common properties of metals. alloys, 7 - First group of the table, 8 - Complex compounds, 9 - Second group of the periodic table, 10 - Third group of the periodic table, 11 - Secondary subgroups of groups IV, V, VI and VII, 12 - Eighth group of the periodic table.
