Report on the unification of the Shona dialects /
Doke, Clement M.
Report on the unification of the Shona dialects / created by Clement M. Doke - 156 pages. 23 cm.
This volume is a re-issue of Doke's report of 1931 in the form of a photographic reprint, with an introduction by Professor Herbert Chimhundu of the University of Zimbabwe. For greater usefulness the introduction is also summarised in Shona. Doke's Report remains the major reference point in the history of the development of Shona as a standard written language.
Shona language
PL8681 DOK
Report on the unification of the Shona dialects / created by Clement M. Doke - 156 pages. 23 cm.
This volume is a re-issue of Doke's report of 1931 in the form of a photographic reprint, with an introduction by Professor Herbert Chimhundu of the University of Zimbabwe. For greater usefulness the introduction is also summarised in Shona. Doke's Report remains the major reference point in the history of the development of Shona as a standard written language.
Shona language
PL8681 DOK