Midlands State University Library

Academic writing and grammar for students

Osmond, Alex

Academic writing and grammar for students created by Alex Osmond - 2nd - Los Angeles Sage Publications 2016 - 208 pages - Sage study skills .

Includes bibliographical references and index

Introduction: the aims of this book and how to use it -- Basic conventions of academic writing -- Basic grammatical concepts -- Putting sentences together -- Putting paragraphs together -- Critical thinking -- Referencing -- Conciseness and clarity -- Common mistakes and how to deal with them -- Proofreading effectively

Whether you're writing an essay or assignment, report or dissertation, this useful guide shows you how to improve the quality of your work by identifying and using the correct use of English grammar and punctuation in your academic writing. Using tried and tested advice from student workshops, Alex Osmond shares practical examples that illustrate common mistakes, and shows you how to avoid them.

9781473919358 9781473919365 (pbk.)

Academic writing--Handbooks, manuals, etc
Dissertations, academic--Authorship--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
