Midlands State University Library

Ganong's review of medical physiology /

Barrett Kim E.

Ganong's review of medical physiology / created by Kim E Barrett, Scott Boitano, Susan M. Barman and Heddwen L. Brooks. - Twenty-fifth edition - x, 750 pages : illustrations (coloured) ; 28 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

General principles & energy production in medical physiology Overview of cellular physiology in medical physiology Immunity, infection, & inflammation Excitable tissue: nerve Excitable tissue: muscle Synaptic & junctional transmission Neurotransmitters & neuromodulators Somatosensory neurotransmission: touch, pain, and temperature Vision Hearing & equilibrium Smell & taste Reflex and voluntary control of posture & movement Autonomic nervous system Electrical activity of the brain, sleep-wake states, & circadian rhythms Learning, memory, language & speech Basic concepts of endocrine regulation Hypothalamic regulation of hormonal functions The pituitary gland The thyroid gland The adrenal medulla & adrenal cortex Hormonal control of calcium & phosphate metabolism & the physiology of bone Reproductive development & function of the female reproductive system Function of the male reproductive system Endocrine functions of the pancreas & regulation of carbohydrate metabolism Overview of gastrointestinal function & regulation Digestion, absorption, & nutritional principles Gastrointestinal motility Transport & metabolic functions of the liver Origin of the heartbeat & the electrical activity of the heart The heart as a pump Blood as a circulatory fluid & the dynamics of blood & lymph flow Cardiovascular regulatory mechanisms Circulation through special regions Introduction to pulmonary structure & mechanics Gas transport & pH Regulation of respiration Renal function & micturition Regulation of extracellular fluid composition & volume Acidification of the urine & bicarbonate excretion

"In this new edition, we have cast a fresh eye on the pedagogical approach taken in each chapter and section, and have focused particularly on including only material that is of the highest yield. We have thoroughly revised the learning objectives for every chapter, reorganized and updated the text to ensure that all objectives are clearly addressed in a logical order, aligned chapter summaries so that the take-home messages quickly address each learning objective in turn, and expanded the number of review questions so that readers also have the ability to check their understanding and retention of every objective covered. As a discipline evolves and new information emerges, there is a tendency simply to concatenate these concepts such that chapter structure degrades inevitably over time. With in-depth discussions amongst the author team and significant "spring-cleaning," we believe we have freshened and simplified the volume while also making sure that important new developments are incorporated. We are immensely thankful to Erica Wehrwein, PhD, Assistant Professor of Physiology and an award-winning instructor at Michigan State University, who took on the task of reviewing the book as a whole and providing specific and detailed feedback to us on each chapter."


Physiology--Problems, exercises, etc

QP34.5 GAN