Mother and child health :
Mother and child health : delivering the services / Cicely D. Williams, Naomi Baumslag, Derrick B. Jelliffe. - 3rd ed. - New York : Oxford University Press, 1994. - xv, 392 p.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
9780195081480 019508148X 0195081498
Child health services--Developing countries.
Maternal health services--Developing countries.
Community health services--Developing countries.
Child Health Services.
Mother and child health : delivering the services / Cicely D. Williams, Naomi Baumslag, Derrick B. Jelliffe. - 3rd ed. - New York : Oxford University Press, 1994. - xv, 392 p.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
9780195081480 019508148X 0195081498
Child health services--Developing countries.
Maternal health services--Developing countries.
Community health services--Developing countries.
Child Health Services.